Brazilian Catholic priest Paulo Ricardo with Rebecca Athayde’s family. Rebecca, a Catholic mother in Brazil refused to abort her baby Matthew when doctors informed her that her baby had a heart disease …More
Brazilian Catholic priest Paulo Ricardo with Rebecca Athayde’s family. Rebecca, a Catholic mother in Brazil refused to abort her baby Matthew when doctors informed her that her baby had a heart disease. She gave birth to this baby and accompanied him till his death with prayer and love. Last year, Rebecca gave birth to another baby boy Francisco. Her husband stood beside her praying the Rosary for her and the new born baby.
What a great Catholic couple. God is very proud of them. Many doctors are children of Hitler et. al., who think that only the ,"perfect" deserve the right to be born.
All Saints
Some “doctors” should be imprisoned and then hanged for attempted murder of an unborn child.
some doctors should be doing other jobs